Lady smiling within in crowd wearing a AlzScot Memory Walk t-shirtLady smiling within in crowd wearing a AlzScot Memory Walk t-shirt

What is Scotland’s Memory Walk?

Scotland’s Memory Walk is all about celebrating the people
we love while raising vital funds for dementia.

Join us at one of our four events - in Inverness, Edinburgh, Dundee or Glasgow - and take the time to enjoy old memories while making new ones.

Tickets for Scotland's Memory Walk are just £10 for adults and free for children. Each walk is a gentle 5km on flat ground.

It’s quick and easy to set up your sponsorship page, which you can share with family, friends and colleagues. Every penny you raise will help people with dementia and their carers, as well as supporting better brain health for everyone in Scotland.

If you're not able to come along to one of our events, but you still want to be part of Scotland's Memory Walk, scroll down for information on Your Walk, Your Way.

Man with walking poles illustration

Want to take on your own Memory Walk?

Your walk your way

Don't worry if you can't attend one of our walk events.

20-22 September is our Your Walk, Your Way weekend for Scotland's Memory Walk. It's free to take part. Just sign up to create your fundraising page.

It was thanks to my consultant that I heard about Alzheimer Scotland’s centre at Bridgeton. I’m so grateful for being able to go to there, and I was given a link worker who’s been really helpful.

I love going to the Alzheimer Scotland café and was so pleasantly surprised at the supportive environment. No one is sitting around talking about the type of dementia they have – they were just enjoying being together.

Margaret, Glasgow

Picture of Margaret smiling
